Privacy Policy
The user is anyone who accesses www.paradise.co.id or www.progressgroup.co.id (hereinafter referred to as the "Progress Group Site"). Users who access the Progress Group Site are expected to be able to read this privacy policy carefully and carefully so that Users can understand how PROGRESS GROUP uses your personal data as a PROGRESS GROUP Site User. By providing your Personal Data, PROGRESS GROUP considers the User to agree that the PROGRESS GROUP uses your Personal Data to suit the needs associated with you and the PROGRESS GROUP only, and it will be done properly. We reserve the right to send you information / communications related to PROGRESS GROUP services, such as announcement services, administrative messages and the latest PROGRESS GROUP news that are assessed as part of PROGRESS GROUP product marketing.
User Identity
The data you submit through this site is stored by PROGRESS GROUP. The data is information about Users such as including but not limited to names, addresses, emails and other data deemed necessary by PROGRESS GROUP. This Personal Data will be collected by PROGRESS GROUP as administrative data and will ONLY be used for needs as mentioned above. PROGRESS GROUP will not use the information for other interests that maight possibly can harm you.
The Purpose of Data Collection
Our goal in collecting your Personal Data is to better provide the services and information you need and for that, we use your personal information to: Answer questions and / or requests that you submit. Helping you get the relevant information you are looking for when you visit our site. Record all information from your computer and browser, including the IP address cookie information, software and hardware attributes, and the page you requested. Use your information to make adjustments to advertisements and content that will be displayed by PROGRESS GROUP and conduct research to improve PROGRESS GROUP services.
Cookies are small data files that your browser places on your computer or device. Cookies help your browser to browse websites and cookies themselves will not collect any information stored on your computer. PROGRESS GROUP can manage and access cookies on your computer and PROGRESS GROUP allows other companies to display advertisements in multiple addresses and access their cookies on your computer. PROGRESS GROUP the cookies inside and outside the network from our website and in connection with PROGRESS GROUP service products.
Confidentiality and Security
We have implemented technology and policies that are in accordance with applicable rules in Indonesia with the aim of protecting your privacy from unauthorized access and improper use and we will update these steps as new technology develops as needed. Changes to the Privacy and PROGRESS GROUP Policy have the right and can update this policy at any time without prior notice. If we change or update our personal policies, we will notify changes to these policies in the Progress Group Site.
We thank you for your kind attention and sincerely hope that you enjoy your visit in one of our establishments.
Ir.Bambang Sumantri
Progress Group